Celebrate Women’s History Month with a guided hike at Government Canyon State Natural Area. Learn the history of Government Canyon’s trailblazing women and hear stories about the positive impacts they made on the canyon. Hike distance will be approximately 5 miles over easy to moderate terrain.
Meet at the Amphitheater in Parking Lot C. Open to the first 15 who check in between 8:30-8:45 AM. The hike starts promptly at 9:00 AM.
Dress for hiking outdoors. Comfortable shoes/boots, sunscreen, bug spray and a hat recommended. Wear layers that can be added or removed as weather conditions change. Bring at least 2 liters of water per person and snacks.
If ADA assistance is required, please request modifications using this form, or email accessibility@tpwd.texas.gov at least 2 weeks in advance.
This program is subject to cancellation. Should there be inclement weather, please check Natural Area conditions by calling GCSNA's main office, or visit one of GCSNA’s social media pages.
Open to ages 12 and older; participants under 18 years of age must be accompanied by a parent or guardian; no pets please.
Registration is NOT required for this hike however, the hike is limited to the first 15 participants to check-in with the hike leader. Though the hike is free, all Natural Area entry fees apply.
To save time at the Fee Booth and ensure entrance, please pre-purchase and PRINT OUT a Day Pass.
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