
FREE Kids MMA Workshop for Back To School Success by Pinnacle Martial Arts

  • When: Wednesday, September 6, 2023,  5:30 pm -  6:30 pm
  • Location: 4926 Golden Quail, Ste 204, San Antonio, Texas
  • Cost: Free

Parents !! We know you're getting ready to send your child BACK 2 SCHOOL....and you probably want to make sure your child is ready to tackle the year with confidence and focus and not have to deal with any bullies, right?
Join Us for a KIDS MMA Workshop - Absolutely FREE!
Plus, we wanna sweeten the deal by giving you ONE MONTH FOR FREE when you sign up.
Let's work together to help build confident kids!
Unlock the Benefits of Martial Arts, we wanna help make sure you're child can repel bullies, stay focused in the classroom and make good decisions.
You'll see first hand how Martial Arts can help develop skills, like....
Discipline, Laser-Sharp Focus, Decision-Making, Excellence, Unshakable Confidence, Goal-Setting Mastery, & Respectful Behavior.
The best part? This empowering experience comes at absolutely no cost!


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