Nestled between a major highway and limestone and concrete industries lies an unlikely peaceful oasis. Bulverde Oaks Nature Preserve, gifted in 2010, is owned and managed by Green Spaces Alliance. This 31-acre patchwork of nature is a sanctuary for local wildlife and native plants. It sits over the Artesian Zone of the Edwards Aquifer and drains directly into the Recharge Zone, and more than 50% of the parcel is within the 100-yr floodplain. These features make Bulverde Oaks Nature Preserve especially valuable to local land conservation efforts.
Bulverde Oaks Nature Preserve is located at the NW corner of Judson Road and Loop 1604 — headed north on Judson Road, continue underneath Loop 1604. The property will be on your left. Look for cars parked on the side of the road. If you reach the gated quarry entrance, you’ve gone too far!
Join us for a nature tour on the 1-mile out-and-back trail to see the rescue bee hives, bird blinds, stock ponds, pollinator meadow, and wildlife, and share with you why we conserve land. We host a public tour every 1st Saturday of the month, September through June. Each month brings something new to see!