Our Karate ASP consists of four components:
1. Traditional Japanese Karate
2. Character Development
3. Health, Fitness, & Nutrition
4. Motor Development
Once we pick up the children from school and arrive at Sanchin, they snack and change into their karate uniform (gi). They will then have any combination of motor development activities and social games before their full one-hour traditional karate class. The karate class may be prefaced with a short character development lesson or a health, fitness, & nutrition lesson. The children will then be taught basic, intermediate, or advanced skills depending on their level. These lessons include basic techniques (blocks, strikes, and kicks), the application of these techniques (one-step and three-step sparring, free-style sparring), and kata patterns of self-defense (and their applications using different self-defense scenarios). In addition, children will learn basic Japanese vocabulary and terms, history, and etiquette.