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Autism Community Network - Daddy Daughter Dance

  • When: Wednesday, February 26, 2025,  5:00 pm -  6:30 pm
  • Location: 535 Bandera Rd., San Antonio, TX 78228
  • Cost: Free

If you are the dad of a neurodivergent child, please feel free to bring your daughter to our wonderful and inclusive event. It's both for autistic daughters and neurotypical sisters.

Join us for a night of fun and laughter at our sensory and relationally safe campus. Don't miss out on this chance to show off your dance moves and make your little girl feel like a princess. Get ready to twirl on the dance floor, enjoy delicious treats, and make unforgettable memories.

Autism Community Network is dedicated to creating a strengths-focused community that embraces neurodiversity and supports BIG FUTURES for autistic children and their caregivers. To that end, one individual from the family must demonstrate developmental differences and/or have a diagnosis of autism to attend ACN events. You will be required to confirm this diagnosis during registration.

  • Website:
  • Contact Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Category: Special Needs

For ages under 18 with parent or legal guardian.
Make sure to answer the supplemental information questions during sign-up to keep your spot.



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