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Sneak Peek Parent Tour at Valor San Antonio

  • When: Friday, May 24, 2024,  9:30 am - 11:00 am
  • Location: 4300 Centerview Drive, San Antonio, TX 78228
  • Cost: Free

We invite parents to come and see Valor firsthand while also peeking into one of the activities that sets Valor apart. On this tour, you will hear from our school leadership on our mission and vision, tour our campus, visit classrooms to view live instruction, and peek into a Curriculum Celebration!

Valor's intentionality is seen in every activity we do. We consistently point our students towards what is good, beautiful, and true. Our Lower School has participated in Curriculum Celebrations throughout the year that celebrate the Great Books we read. Our 5th-grade students walked into classrooms transformed into gardens to celebrate Secret Garden. The 3rd-grade class had outdoor boat races to celebrate Stuart Little. Our 1st-grade class had a visit from a live bunny to celebrate Peter Rabbit. Our kinder classes are set to have a Winnie the Pooh picnic on the last day of school.


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