Parks & Facilities Details

Gorrell Park

Type: Natural, Concrete
/ Length (Miles): 0.27

Patrolman Edwyn J Gorrell Memorial Park gives people an opportunity to spend time enjoying the outdoors, with fresh air, sunshine and exercise on tap for visitors. Take a walk, enjoy the scenery, and de-stress. Studies show people who spend time in parks will be sick less often, which means less time missing from school and work, as well as lower healthcare costs and better overall health. And it’s fun and refreshing. Visit a San Antonio park today!

Alcohol is prohibited, amenities are first come, first serve.

Park History

Patrolman Edwyn J. Gorrell Memorial Park officially opened to the public on Saturday, April 5, 2008. The park is located on 24.8 acres donated to the City of San Antonio in 2006. The park's initial development included a parking lot, walking trail, picnic areas, and a playground. The project was funded with $365,470 in Park Bonds and $58,337 in Unified Development Code fees.

The park was named for Patrolman Gorrell, who was shot by a suspect he was attempting to arrest on Feb. 22, 1988. Gorrell, 34, had been with the Police Department two years. He remained in a coma until his death in July 1988. His wife Linda, and children, Shavawn Brozovic and Christopher Gorrell, his parents, Harold and Laura Gorrell, brother, Michael, along with his grandchildren, Logan and Luke, attended the park's dedication ceremony.





Monday, May 13, 2024